Category «Uncategorized»

History of Eraring – JULY 2008

Name Origin: Aboriginal for “that which gleams or glitters”. Early Land Grants: Percy Simpson‘s grant of 7th April 1838 (Coorumbung Parish) covered Eraring. He had originally chosen a different area but, through a surveyor’s error this had been allocated to someone else and Eraring was given to Simpson instead. He already had 2,000 acres at …

Sanitarium finds its home at Cooranbong 1899

The Sanitarium Health Food Company was officially established in Melbourne in 1898, pioneering Health Foods throughout Australia and New Zealand.  The word Sanitarium means ‘learn to stay well’ which is the essence of the health message Sanitarium has been spreading for the past 107 years. Sanitarium’s Cooranbong factory opened in 1899, producing Peanut Butter, Granola …